Learning to live in harmony with nature and each other
All of us here at New Cambium share the enjoyment of living naked, but we have many different interests, talents, beliefs, and backgrounds. In the passages below you'll meet some of our community members and learn what they enjoy about life at New Cambium.

We both hail from Massachusetts. But, over our 35 years together, we’ve moved 14 times, owned 11 houses, in 7 states. By choice, thanks to Covid, we are residents of rural western Pennsylvania. We have four adult children, and three grandkids.
Attracted early to the New Cambium vision, we have been leaseholders since 2012, and recently acquired Palm Gardens 9. When not traveling, we heat our home with wood that we cut, and our home is powered by a 12.5 kW solar array.
Dave is from the UK but has lived in the US since 1982. Susan was born in Massachusetts. We live near Boston when we are home.
We started building our delightful villa in New Cambium 10 years ago. The house turned out beautifully and we were very pleased with the result.
Two years ago we bought a sailboat and embarked on a new phase of our lives. We are sailing around the world. This means visits to New Cambium are short and far and few between but we always enjoy returning to enjoy the uncluttered stress-free life that New Cambium offers.

Our roots are in California, Texas and Colorado, but we’re now living at New Cambium full-time. We fell in love with the New Cambium land and vision and have been leaseholds since 2010.
At that time, we had just sold our Colorado home and most of our possessions and then spent the next 12 years living without a fixed address, having extraordinary experiences house and pet-sitting for people around the world while continuing our work as sacred sexuality coaches.
Every few years we’d come back to New Cambium for a visit. Every visit we’d fall a little more in love with this place and the people we’d meet. In 2021 we built our dream home in the New Cambium Coconut neighborhood.
Nakedly living in the midst of this natural beauty and tranquility, life more easily aligns with our values of living gently on the earth.
Beyond the New Cambium gate, we’re having a blast exploring the rich natural and cultural diversity the rest of the Dominican Republic offers.
And, one of the very best parts is living just down the road from the most beautiful, peaceful beaches we’ve ever seen!
Our home is in a small village on the south coast of England, where we enjoy being part of our vibrant village community. We run a lively music festival in our garden, attended by 400 adults and children, both villagers and also family friends from London and Bristol, where our two children live.
We wanted to do something different to celebrate the millennium year and went on a Bare Necessities Caribbean cruise. It was our first visit to the Caribbean. We were captivated by how different the climate was from an English winter and that the sea and air temperatures were both the same, around 80°F. Comfortable!
As soon as we heard about the idea of establishing a holistic, naturist community in the DR, we were immediately enticed. Once New Cambium was well established, we built our own house, where we now spend the main winter months. Living at NC is stimulating, as it is different from our lives in England in so many ways. There are two things particularly we most enjoy. The first is the natural environment and exotic vegetation. The second is the lovely international community we have now become part of. We now belong to two communities, which has made our lives more varied, richer and more fulfilling.

We are Jeff and Lisa and we reside near Toronto, Canada. Our beautiful two-bedroom casita (Palm Gardens 11) in New Cambium is our escape hatch from the cold winter weather at home.
We are entrepreneurs in Ontario holding down three businesses: a women’s clothing store, an ice cream shop and a wine tour company in Prince Edward County. Lisa is also a designer with her family’s clothing manufacturing business. Our busy season is the summer, so we love our trips away to the Dominican in the winter.
We love the weather in the DR and the fact that we can be naked anywhere on the property gives us a feeling of unmatched freedom, especially when compared to the layers we wear back home. Peace and tranquility are so much a part of the experience as well as the local families and tremendous food that is available.
We also own Guava 3, a gorgeous plot with 360- degree views. It is for sale at the moment, but if the universe decides there is no buyer for that piece of paradise, we may build a larger home for our family to use.
We are very blessed to have our warm nest!!
Hello everybody,
We are Isa and Marc from Germany. We first came to New Cambium in 2012, just being curious to see what kind of naturist project was being developed. We expected to have a nice 2 week’s vacation in another naturist resort similar to what we saw all around the world. And maybe have one more option to travel to when we want to escape the long and dark winter in Germany.
Well, these two weeks literally changed our lives in a way we would not have expected. We immediately fell in love with the vast valley, surrounded by a range of hills and mountains you overlook when entering at the gatehouse. And we were even more excited when we went down, passing by breadfruit, mango, and avocado trees and on top of these the giant, incredible Saman trees, each one an own character overgrown by all kinds of ferns and epiphytes.
Being both virgos we would never ever had done what we did back then. We decided to buy the lease of a piece of land and three months later we started to build our own house! I mean, without giving too much attention to any desasters that might happen. We just KNEW: this was for us and we would make it!
Since then it was a very exciting time to help bringing the dream down to earth. And we learned: Bringing dreams down to earth means you do not always walk in sunshine, it needs also the wind and rain to make it a perfect mix of what life on earth is about.
After we both retired we now live in our beautiful house for four months during the winter.
We feel very safe and welcome in the local community and have a lot of fun. It is so relaxing and we feel very grateful, especially to ourselves, that we were so bold to create this paradise for us and at the same time have our home, family and friends in Germany.
Isn’t this abundance? We feel that we live two parallel lives, each of which is so precious and rewarding to us.

A native of Germany, I have been living in Columbus, Ohio, USA for over 25 years now. I heard about New Cambium in 2011 and, when I received the prospectus for the Palm Gardens development, I knew that was it and signed the contract for the 1-bedroom casita which was built in 2013. I am still in love with the design of my little home and have great admiration for the architect, who really knows how to design houses for the tropical lifestyle.
From the beginning I knew that I would not be able to live in New Cambium year-round. Therefore, making the house available for visitors to rent was always one of my priorities. When the New Cambium board asked for help with responding to rental inquiries from prospective visitors, I volunteered to take over this position. If you have any interest in staying at New Cambium, you can reach me at Michael@NewCambium.com.
At home in Ohio, I am a yoga teacher and run a nude yoga group. I also teach at a number of national and international nude events around the country. My dream for New Cambium is to at some point of time in the future have a community space that can be used to hold classes and retreats.
We have lived on Epsom Downs adjacent to the Epsom Derby racecourse (just south of London) all our married lives, where we enjoy being amongst friends and neighbours and of course our two dogs in a small village community. We are blessed to live adjacent to open countryside with long walks in the Langley Vale Woodland Trust right on our doorstep, although it is never quite as warm as at Mango 8!
We were among the early investors and commenced planning for the building of our house in 2012, with a vision of spending long UK winter months in our DR paradise. We are still waiting for that dream to come to fruition as the reality of family life, children, work and the two furry family members continue to make their demands.
Nevertheless, we continue to enjoy our visits to our lovely house in New Cambium whenever we do get the chance and to meet up with New Cambium friends. We watch with a great sense of optimism as more and more join the New Cambium community and were delighted to meet a number of them on our most recent visit.

Bonjour, nous sommes Christiane et Claude, nous résidons dans le sud de la France et nous faisons partie de la fédération française de naturisme. Nous avons fait connaissance de New Cambium en 2021, après une année de retard dû au Covid. Après ce séjour qui nous a enchanté, nous avons décidés de devenir locataire de ce merveilleux domaine. Nous avons pu constater une très grande solidarité entre les résidents qui nous a enchantés. Les habitants sont très sympathique ainsi que les autochtones, les plages sont splendides. Bref, nous allons passer tous nos hivers au paradis.
Hello, we are Christiane and Claude, we live in the south of France and we are part of the French naturism federation. We got to know New Cambium in 2021, after a year of delay due to Covid. After this stay which enchanted us, we decided to become a tenant of this wonderful estate. We were able to see a great solidarity between the residents which delighted us. The inhabitants are very friendly as well as the locals, the beaches are splendid. In short, we are going to spend all our winters in paradise.
Fatima is from Guanajuato, Mexico and I am from North Carolina. After Fatima received her visa she came to the US and now we live in North Carolina together. Our plan is to be living full time in New Cambium within the next 5 years. We got the house on Cana 9 after Fatima fell in love with it when we visited New Cambium. We both felt that it’s right for us.
I had researched New Cambium for a couple years before everything fell into place so we could visit. I had an idea of what I thought it would be like but I wasn’t ready for how amazing it is. You just can’t imagine such beauty without experiencing it yourself. The views are breathtaking and it sometimes doesn’t feel real that I am actually in a naturist paradise.
We were interested in finding a place where we can live as intended without the restraints of society holding us back. At New Cambium we feel at home and one with Nature. Being able to live clothes free 24/7 is something some people dream of, but to us it is now our reality.

I grew up in Massachusetts, but have lived in Calgary, Oslo, West Sussex England, Rio de Janeiro, Houston, and now largely retired in the mountains of Colorado. I visit New Cambium each winter and my visits always seem a little too short.
My interests have always been a bit eclectic… I studied physics and linguistics at university. Computer software was my work; sometimes that was with a wrench or oscilloscope; I've been found at a waste treatment plant at 3am, crawling through a coal boiler; and I did work on a chemical analyser at a ceramics factory.
I've been into orienteering, travel, hang gliding, search and rescue, the Feldenkrais Method®, and lately, mountain biking through beautiful scenery. As I age, maybe I'll trade that mountain bike in for an ebike, and I'll definitely spend more of the winter at New Cambium.
I grew up in Rhode Island, but have spent most of my adult life moving back and forth between the east and west coasts. At the bottom of the housing crash of 2008, when it became clear that home ownership in the States would remain out of my reach, I serendipitously saw an ad for Cambium.
I had always been interested in tropical rainforests, and New Cambium has provided me with an opportunity to recreate that to some extent in my garden. I am pleased that my fruit trees have filled in and begun bearing. As a naturalist (in the sense that Darwin used the term), I find that there is enough natural diversity here to occupy me for the rest of my life.
Although I am not yet able to stay at Cambium year-round, that is my ultimate goal. Advances in internet technology have opened up remote work possibilities that did not exist when my New Cambium adventure began. The year-round warmth and the freedom to explore without having to put on clothes are dreams come true. Looking forward to many happy years.

BAMBOO 7, 8, AND 10 - USA
Tom is from Ireland and Deb is from all over the United States. We met in New York City in 1997 in an improvisational dance class and have been waltzing through life together ever since!
Five years ago, we left New York City and retired to a naturist community in South Carolina and, in the winter, to New Cambium. We fell in love with New Cambium’s vision thirteen years ago and vowed to make it our home for at least part of the year.
When looking for a house design, we worked with an Irish architect who specialized in sacred geometry to support our energy practice (we do qi gong). A Dominican architect adapted the plan for optimal ventilation. The result is a cool house in all sense of the words.
We both love the nature and serenity of New Cambium and proximity to the beach. Deb loves to cook and is always looking for ways to use the abundant fruit here. One passion fruit makes a nice snack; three dozen are a challenge. Tom loves his garden and is always looking to add something to our house or our small garage apartment.
The big draw for us is the international community and the lovely and amazing people here and in the village.
​In 2020 Covid hit and we celebrated our extended stay at New Cambium by planting a tropical orchard with fruits, cacao, and coffee. Stop by and have a cuppa with us!
We are Diarmid and Cat, Brits who have been coming to Cambium for the winter months for over 10 years, working online clothes-free. As natural naturists, we love living a simple life, trying to live as eco-consciously as possible. So, we are in a very small house, a tiny wooden home with a thatched roof and spectacular view of the mountains, which was also the first to be built in Cambium and is very close to nature. We also don’t have a car so we use the transport the locals use.
We love knowing people in the local village as well as the wonderful people we’ve met here at Cambium. So, that’s why we’re here: to experience the beauty and friendliness of Cambium and to enjoy our winters in warm weather, feeling the elements on our skin as we experience being part of nature.

Born in Guatemala city, emigrated to Massachusetts, USA. Resided later in New York City for most if my life. After college and university was a clergy man from which I am about to retire.
As a sideline I was a concert organist and singer. Lover of animals, nature and now Mango 3 in new Cambium ... my happy place.
Born in NYC. 62 yrs old. Grew up in the Bronx NY in a loving large Puerto Rican-Italian family. Ever since I was a kid loved travel and to date have been to 85 countries and all 50 states.
Became interested in nudism in my 20s and always loved the communal and spiritual aspects which can result.
This past May I retired from ministry as a hospital chaplain after being involved in multi- faith outreach, as well as end of life work. At present engaged in street ministry and loving every minute of it.

Better known as Uli. Chow Chow.
Originally from New Hampshire where he was part of a litter of six. Rudy got him when he was a year and a half. Very spoiled and very popular with people everywhere. Has been a naturist his whole life. Frequent visitor to New Cambium
I was born in Newfoundland, Canada.
I have been visiting the DR for several years with my children. In 2012, tragedy struck my life, nearly destroying it and myself. After many years of survival, I sought peace where my heart called me, I have resided here in the DR, full time, since May 2022.
I heard of a naturalist community in my beloved Dominican Republic, I reached out to see if there was a homeowner in need of my home sitting services. During this inquiry, I was offered a position here in New Cambium assisting with the home maintenance program and communicating with home owners.
I arrived April 2023. The serine beauty and quiet surroundings of New Cambium has captured my heart. A few heartfelt words I wrote, if I may share:
Mountain views, blessing my eyes
Fresh air, as my lungs breathe
Nature's sounds, peak my ears
Beach waves below, flow upward
I absorb this beauty into my Soul
Peacefulness, calms my emotions
Raw Freedom, my mind decides
New Cambium, my new home .. ©
I am blessed and grateful.
May you seek your own beauty here in New Cambium.

I was born down the road in Rio San Juan. Besides living here in the DR, I have lived in New York where I was a news broadcaster.
I’ve been involved with New Cambium from the very beginning, working with the board on many aspects of New Cambium operations. I am also the Dominican link between the Magante community and New Cambium, working with both sides to keep the relationship mutually beneficial. I try my best to be a problem solver and help you have the best experience here. If you need something, let me know.
I’m proud to be part of this community that treats nature and the local community well.
I’ve collected several nicknames so you’ll hear people call me Hardy or Johannas - and probably other names behind my back – but I prefer Diogene and I am at your service.
Most of the time you can find me hanging out in the Palm Gardens pasture. Once in awhile I’m put to work carrying supplies or doing odd jobs around the place. But most of the time I just get to be the New Cambium mascot.
I know sometimes my braying can be annoying but I get so enthusiastic when I see you that I just can’t help myself. I’ve been called Donny the Doorbell, Donny the Alarm Clock, even Donny the Devil Donkey!
One way to shut me up is to feed me! Your fruit and vegetable scraps are quite a treat for me. You’ll have me eating out of your hand!
And I have a little advice - pack some earplugs!
New Cambium est un véritable paradis de plénitude et de sérénité, avec une très belle nature, pleine de vie
New Cambium is a true paradise of plenitude and serenity, with very beautiful nature, full of life
C’était ma première expérience de naturisme. Ce fût pour mon être une magnifique expression de liberté et d’expansion et mon âme était en harmonie avec le tout. Car tous nous avons un beau corps; nous sommes des sculptures vivantes et vibrantes qui sont uniques. C'était pure joie ! Gratitude ! Au plaisir de vous revoir, chère communauté !
It was my first experience of naturism. For me it was a magnificent expression of freedom and
expansion and my soul was in harmony with everything. Because we all have a beautiful body;
we are living, vibrant sculptures that are unique. It was pure joy! Gratitude! Looking forward to
seeing you again, dear community!
- CB Quebec, Canada